Saturday, June 28, 2008


As anyone with artistic hobbies knows there is a downside to be abundantly creative - space. Where the hell do you put everything you make? Giving it away is a great option. These two pieces were gifts. The first is a "sushi swoop" dish that I handpainted a frame from a comic book (X-Factor) on as a birthday gift for my best friend.

The second was really neat - a friend sent out beautiful homemade inviations to her wedding that featured a "vintage" photo of the happy couple in Victorian wedding duds. The second I saw it I knew I wanted to use it to create a special wedding gift so I digitized the image using the same process as the Firefly plates and painted it onto - what else - a cake stand. I'm glad I made such a nice gift because I ended up getting my appendix out instead of going to the wedding...

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